Validating your J-1 Visa

Work & Travel Program Participant Check-In

  • Once you begin your Work and Travel Program, you must check-in by validating your program online using the form below. You will not be eligible for a Social Security Number until after your visa has been validated.

    Please do not complete this form until after you have arrived in the US.

    You must enter your Name and DS2019 Number exactly as it is shown on your DS2019 form. All fields are required.

  • N
    0 of 10 max characters
  • Your Address in the USA:

  • 0 of 50 max characters
  • 0 of 50 max characters
  • 0 of 25 max characters
  • Host Company:

  • 0 of 50 max characters
  • 0 of 50 max characters
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.